Friday 26 December 2014

Review on Hat and Shades by ROBLOX

So this hat to me is hillarious! My friend always tries to be like a family dad with it when we are going on Vacation when Roleplaying! So if you like Roleplaying and you are a boy I would say, GET ITTTTT!!!! It is also great for girls too because you could be like a spy or something! So I would say you my good sir, and Mrs, I WOULD SAY GET ITTT!!! I rate it a 9.5/10! It does have a flaw, doesn't work with that spiky hair I forgot what its called:P Thank you for reading, Bai!

Neon Party Mask Review

I think this is a very creative thing in my opinion, It currently cost 190 Robux, I think that is nice and all but If you wear something like Gold Hair or the same mesh but diffrent colors it kind of meshes with it but the good thing is no one can notice it! I love it other then that I think that it is very nice and that I would rate it 9/10! Thank you for reading, Bai!

Leopard Santa Hat Review! (Christmas Editon!)

It is Christmas Time! And I haven't been on for a while and I am sorry!! So I am Reviewing The Leopard Santa Hat! This hat is great to start off, it doesn't mesh with the hair if you are a girl! ^-^ Though it is flat on top mostly nobody notices! And plus it is't that flat on top. The Leopard makes it look super comfy which is I what I go for, sure its not for pretending you Santa Clause, but it is still great if you are just playing a game! ^-^ Thank you for reading, I rate this a 10/10! Fab!

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Blue Anime Girl Hair, by ROBLOX

So... Roblox is going Anime eh? Man, ok, I'm not a BIG FAN of Anime like well.. Everyone is:P I am not from Japan, and I don't really like it, lets just get to the review! Mk, so, the thing is, it doesn't fit the head that well, to big. They could make it so much better, but ya. I don't think I like it. I do not recromend, even if you like Anime, well, that my opinion, not yours! Thanks for reading, Bai!

Thursday 14 August 2014

Grey Cat Tail (National Cat day?)

Roblox isn't complete without National Cat Day! Right? Eh, I personally think that THIS IS LIKE THE CUTEST THING EVER!! :D It does not go on your head but it goes where you would actually expect it to go! I don't belive in OD'er hats and if I did this would still not be on my list! It could really go with anything you are wearing, a traffic cone, anything really I totally recommend it! Its really cute and ya, so I do think you should check it out! Thanks for reading!

Review on Robloxian High School by Cindering

I honestly FELL in love with this game! I first came in during The Grand Opening, I first thought it was like any of Robloxian High School game, but this was diffrent, but it does have 1 flaw, he keeps updated on stuff like The DJ system which I love!!! But it feels like his 1 thing I don't know if it is only me but I feel like he doesn't pay attention to the Houses he is suppost to be working on but it doesn't seem like he is. Well other then that, its an awesome game and if you haven't seen it already you should check it out! Thanks for reading!

Monday 4 August 2014

The Mad Murderer by LolEris

The Mad Murder! O.o The Mad Murderer is a GREAT game in my opinion, it sometimes gets boring but I have my ways to make it even funnier again!:3 It is by LolEris he is a great game maker! Personally I do think you should check this out! Heres the link:

Thursday 31 July 2014

Work at a pizza place Review!

Work at a pizza, ahh good times! This classic game has made it way back on the front page! It had alot of updates such as: Ratings, uniforms, House options, and experations, I think it was a great update, some people who say the 1st versions are always better I honestly kinda like this one more, I gave the first one a, 8/5 out of 10, and the new one, 9/5. Hope this review helped! Bye!

Missmudman the famous Designer on Roblox!

Missmudman a designer who lives in beautiful Australia! She has a younger brother MrMudman, personally she is my FAV Designer! Shes creative and she fits girls and boys, I recommend it to the people who read this! :D Bye!